Sunday, March 20, 2005


Very sad news. 23 youngsters died in a traffic accident last night. A bus ran into a lorry carrying paper rolls (not your usual toilet rolls, but rolls that weight 700kg (1400 pounds).

The youngest one was 12 yrs old.

I wonder why they didn't transport that paper using railroads? They have
perfectly good, modern railroad running from where the lorry started to the place it was heading to.

Anyway, read the article here

Friday, March 18, 2005

About teasing bums (and your readers)

Ran into this article about harassing bums.

I got SO angry when reading the article. What an insensitive guy the writer is. Fortunately I managed to read to the end of the article before writing a response (after reading the whole thing I didn't feel any need to).

After that it was pretty funny reading the comments the readers made. Many (most?) of them didn't read the article thru.

This reminds me of the old times when I ran a bbs using a 1200bps modem: people don't read more than first half of the screen they're presented with. It really doesn't matter what you write after that

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Re: New Spanish Leader Vows to Pull Iraq Troops

Spotted in NPR: Morning Edition

Seems to me that the Spaniards are doing one mistake after another:

  1. They become very active member of George W. Bush's coalition in Iraq
  2. Mr Aznar claims (apparently due to the election pressures) that ETA did it, too soon, too forcefully to be believable.
  3. Now they're caving in to the terrorists and leaving Iraq

I don't think that invading another country is a good thing. Even worse is to invade the country and then leave because of the terrorists. This shows that their tactics is working

My condolences to the victims of the Madrid attacks, and their families.

Thursday, March 3, 2005

Not a baby anymore

Our firstborn isn’t a baby any more. He had his 3 years teeth checkup the other day.

His teeth are in excellent condition, but the dentist said that the pacifier has to go, unless we want our kid to have front teeth that stick out.
Kalle agreed to trade the pacifiers for a toy lorry quite peacefully. The only problems came when he went to have a nap: "I cannot go on without the pacifiers!". Well, after a few reminders where the pacifiers had gone and why he settled down. Even the evening wasn’t any problem.

So, he isn’t a baby any more